Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Your Pisces Child: The Unicorn in Your Midst

Your Pisces child is funny, imaginative, intuitive and nearly too beautiful to be real. Like a unicorn, you suspect he's there--but he's just so damn shiny that you can't be sure. He's tall and skinny, a string bean of a little boy with ridiculously curly hair that cannot be overlooked. His jokes and expressions are perfectly timed.

His outfit is usually a little unconventional, and could be anything from a Spiderman costume to leg warmers and underwear. He is almost never "Skylar," and will insist that you call him "Venom," "Hulk" or sometimes "Baby Lemur." He is your baby, your littlest boy, your very last one: you cherish him for it. He is so beautiful, so perfect, that you worry sometimes that you will lose him somehow. How did you get so lucky?

Even though he is three-and-a-half years old (years that have raced by, so quickly, too quickly, how can you lose count so close to the beginning?), he still feels like an extension of your own body in a way that only your own babies ever have. Being last, you carry him more than you did the others, because soon there will be no one who needs carrying.  He still snuggles into the curve of your belly at storytime, and he still climbs into your bed and only settles when his hand is resting on your face. The others are too big for this.

He is wise beyond his years, and he knows you almost better than your husband. His moods shift with yours, but in a complementary way: you are two Pisces sharing the stream, and you understand each other. He is charming, precocious, and surprising.

He is also snuggly, adorable and bipolar. His moods will shift faster than a greased pig being chased by a determined 4H-er. He will arrive at the playground, fresh-faced and happy, ready to swing or slide or climb. Then the winds will change, his older brother will run off to play with somone else, or he will trip over his shoelace and land on his elbow. He will run back to you at top speed, little face crumpled and tear-stained, and he will refuse to be comforted.

"NO ONE WILL PLAY WITH ME!" he will screech, or "I THINK I BROKE MY ARM!" As far as he's concerned, his version is the truth. No amount of comforting, cajoling, wheedling, teasing or threatening will change his little mind. His brother left, his arm is broken, he is alone, he will be alone forever and ever and ever and he'd like to be alone with his pain now, thank you very much. Most Pisces are also closet Emo Kids.

Your Pisces child does not know the difference between reality and fantasy. God help you if you forget that he is pretending to be a lemur and refer to him as a panda instead. How could you possibly not know the difference, you moron? Pretending is serious business because it is not pretending. This imagination of his will be the cause of much drama over the years. He will ask to hear stories about mummies and zombies and vampires and then become hysterical at bedtime--they weren't real in the daylight, but NOW IT'S DARK and he will probably die of a vampire bite. The only sure way to survive is to sleep with you in your big bed. And by with you, he means on you. And he promises he will be so so quiet.

Your Pisces child will remind you so much of yourself that sometimes you'll swear you're looking in a mirror. You watch him play for hours by himself, needing no one to tell him which twists the story will take. He soaks up words and never forgets them, often using them appropriately and unexpectedly many months later. He tells fantastical tales of fighting off ninjas and pirates and living in the forest. He will speak of his "Army days" as if they were only yesterday, and, with a straight face, ask his grandfather about his time in the Civil War. Your Pisces child will just accept that everyone came from somewhere, most likely a previous life as someone else.

"I came from heaven," he will say. "I'm a new person."

You will suspect he's right about this.

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